

Calculates linear predictions, various residuals, leverage statistics, distance statistics, and others. Included in classes which support this method, it’s also available as separate method using -predict()-.

Classes where predict included

  • ols

  • anova



predict(mdl_data = {}, estimate = None)

  • mdl_data : Class object from ols or anova

  • estimate : Desired estimate. Available options are:

    • “y” or “xb” : Linear prediction

    • “residuals”, “res”, or “r” : Residuals

    • “standardized_residuals”, “standardized_r”, or “rstand” : Standardized residuals

    • “studentized_residuals”, “student_r”, or “rstud” : Studentized (jackknifed) residuals

    • “leverage”, “lev” : Leverage of the observation (diagonal of the H matrix)


Numpy array with n x 1 dimensions; where n is the number of observations



  • Y is the dependent variable array/vector

  • X is the independent variable design matrix

  • H is the hat matrix

  • \(^T\) indicates a transpose, i.e. \(X^T\) is the transpose of X

Linear prediction [1]

The linear prediction is calculated as:

\[Y_e = X @ \text{betas}\]

Residuals [1]

Residuals are calculated as:

\[\text{e} = Y_{obs} - Y_e\]

Standardized residuals [1]

Standardized residuals are calculated using the following formula:

\[t_i = \frac{e_i}{\sqrt{\text{MSE} * (1 - H_{ii})}}\]

Studentized (jackknifed) residuals [1]

Studentized (jackknifed) residuals are calculated using the following formula:

\[\begin{split}t_i = r_i * (\frac{n - k -2}{n - k - 1 - r_i^2})^\frac{1}{2} \\\end{split}\]


  • n = number of observations

  • k = number of predictors

  • r = standardized residual

Leverage [1]

Calculate the leverage of the observation; the leverage is the diagonal of the H (hat) matrix. The H matrix is calculated using:

\[X @ (X^TX)^{-1}@X^T\]


First to load required libraries for this example. Below, an example data set will be loaded in using statsmodels.datasets; the data loaded in is a data set available through Stata called ‘systolic’.

import researchpy as rp
import pandas as pd
# Used to load example data #
import statsmodels.datasets

systolic = statsmodels.datasets.webuse('systolic')

Now let’s get some quick information regarding the data set.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
 Int64Index: 58 entries, 0 to 57
Data columns (total 3 columns):
#   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------    --------------  -----
0   drug      58 non-null     int16
1   disease   58 non-null     int16
2   systolic  58 non-null     int16

Now to take a look at the descriptive statistics of the univariate data. The output indicates that there are no missing observations and that each variable is stored as an integer.

Name N Mean Median Variance SD SE 95% Conf. Interval
0 systolic 58 18.8793 21 163.862 12.8009 1.6808 [15.5135, 22.2451]
rp.crosstab(systolic["disease"], systolic["drug"])
Variable Outcome Count Percent
0 drug 4 16 27.59
1 2 15 25.86
2 1 15 25.86
3 3 12 20.69
4 disease 3 20 34.48
5 2 19 32.76
6 1 19 32.76
Now to conduct the ANOVA; by default Type 3 sum of squares are used. There are a few ways one can conduct an ANOVA using Researchpy, the suggested approach is to assign the ANOVA model to an object that way one can utilize the built-in methods. If one does not want to do that, then running the model with and displaying the results in one-line will work too; the output will be returned as a tuple. The suggested approach will be shown in this example.
m = anova("systolic ~ C(drug) + C(disease) + C(drug):C(disease)", data = systolic, sum_of_squares = 3)

 desc, table = m.results()
 print(desc, table, sep = "\n"*2)

Note: Effect size values for factors are partial.

Number of obs = 58.0000
Root MSE = 10.5096
R-squared = 0.4560
Adj R-squared = 0.3259
Source Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Squares F value p-value Eta squared Omega squared
Model 4,259.3385 11 387.2126 3.5057 0.0013 0.4560 0.3221
drug 2,997.4719 3.0000 999.1573 9.0460 0.0001 0.3711 0.2939
disease 415.8730 2.0000 207.9365 1.8826 0.1637 0.0757 0.0295
drug:disease 707.2663 6.0000 117.8777 1.0672 0.3958 0.1222 0.0069
Residual 5,080.8167 46 110.4525
Total 9,340.1552 57 163.8624
array([[ 12.6667],
   [ 14.6667],
   [  6.6667],
   [ -7.3333],
   [  4.75  ],
   [ -2.25  ],
   [  4.75  ],
   [ -7.25  ]])
