
Returns a data table as a Pandas DataFrame that includes the counts and percentages of each category. If there are missing data present (numpy.nan), they will be excluded from the counts. However, if the missing data is coded as a string, it will be included as it’s own category.


summary_cat(group1, ascending= False)

  • group1, can be a Pandas Series or DataFrame with multiple columns stated

  • ascending, determines the output ascending order or not. Default is



  • Pandas DataFrame


import numpy, pandas, researchpy


df = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.random.randint(2, size= (101, 2)),
                  columns= ['disease', 'treatment'])
# Handles a single Pandas Series
Variable Outcome Count Percent
0 disease 0 53 52.48
1 1 48 47.52
# Can handle multiple Series, although the output is not pretty
researchpy.summary_cat(df[['disease', 'treatment']])
Variable Outcome Count Percent
0 disease 0 53 52.48
1 1 48 47.52
2 treatment 1 52 51.49
3 0 49 48.51
# If missing is a string, it will show up as it's own category
df['disease'][0] = ""

Variable Outcome Count Percent
0 disease 0 52 51.49
1 1 48 47.52
2 1 0.99
# However, is missing is a numpy.nan, it will be excluded from the counts
df['disease'][0] = numpy.nan

Variable Outcome Count Percent
0 disease 0 52 52.0
1 1 48 48.0
# Results can easily be exported using many methods including the default
# Pandas exporting methods
results = researchpy.summary_cat(df['disease'])

results.to_csv("summary_cats.csv", index= False)
# This is the default, showing for comparison of immediately below
researchpy.summary_cat(df['disease'], ascending= False)
Variable Outcome Count Percent
0 disease 0 52 52.0
1 1 48 48.0
researchpy.summary_cat(df['disease'], ascending= True)
Variable Outcome Count Percent
0 disease 1 48 48.0
1 0 52 52.0